File Organizer

Organizes files in directories using various strategies

LLA File Organizer Plugin

A powerful file organization plugin for lla that provides multiple strategies for organizing files with preview capabilities and rich formatting.


  • Multiple organization strategies:
    • Extension-based grouping
    • Date-based organization
    • Type-based categorization
    • Size-based sorting
  • Preview mode before applying changes
  • Configurable ignore patterns
  • Color-coded output
  • Smart file type detection


# Organize using default strategy (extension)
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action organize --args /path/to/dir
# Organize using specific strategy
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action organize --args /path/to/dir extension
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action organize --args /path/to/dir date
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action organize --args /path/to/dir type
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action organize --args /path/to/dir size
# Preview changes before organizing
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action preview --args /path/to/dir extension
# Show help and available options
lla plugin --name file_organizer --action help


Config file: ~/.config/lla/file_organizer/config.toml

success = "bright_green"
info = "bright_blue"
error = "bright_red"
path = "bright_yellow"
enabled = true
create_nested = true
enabled = true
format = "%Y/%m/%d"
group_by = "month"
enabled = true
categories = {
    "documents" = ["pdf", "doc", "docx", "txt"],
    "images" = ["jpg", "png", "gif", "svg"],
    "videos" = ["mp4", "mov", "avi"],
    "audio" = ["mp3", "wav", "flac"]
enabled = true
ranges = [
    { name = "tiny", max_bytes = 102400 },
    { name = "small", max_bytes = 1048576 },
    { name = "medium", max_bytes = 104857600 },
    { name = "large", max_bytes = 1073741824 },
    { name = "huge" }

Display Examples

Preview mode:

📦 File Organization Preview
Directory: /path/to/dir
Strategy: extension
📁 images/jpg
📁 documents/pdf
Summary: 4 files to organize

Result view:

📦 Organization Complete
 Moved 2 files to images/jpg
 Moved 2 files to documents/pdf
Total: 4 files organized